Where do you meet?

Depending on the project, meeting times look different. All meetings occur Mon-Thurs 6-10 pm in the Forsyth building. See specific project pages for more information.

Do I need experience/to be an engineer/any prereqs to join AeroNU?

Nope! We welcome anyone who’s interested to come check us out. Most of us started with no prior experience, and we’re happy to pass on what we’ve learned. If you’re interested and willing to learn, we’ll get you up to speed!

What projects are you running right now?

Our current projects are NUAV, NULI, Project W.Y.A.T.T., Fixed Wing, Project L.E.G.O.L.A.S., Project Horizon (Cubesat), Liquid Rocket Engine Team, and Introduction to Aerospace. NUAV focuses on R&D of UAVs and quad racing. NULI focuses on designing, constructing, and launching rockets with experimental payloads. Project W.Y.A.T.T. focuses on guided decent using an autonomous parafoil. Fixed Wing focuses on fixed wing RC planes. Project L.E.G.O.L.A.S. is a new project focusing on computer vision tracking of rocket launches. Introduction to Aerospace offers a structured program teaching the basics of different aspects of rocketry, avionics, and drones. Liquid Engine builds and tests engines and stands for launches. Project Horizon is working to build satellites in parallel with other universities. Check out the Project pages to learn more about each of these awesome projects!

How do I join?

You can join any project (except Intro to Aerospace) at any time. Join our Discord server and look around a bit. If you know which project you want to join, you can reach out to the lead(s), and they’ll help you find a place. If you’re not sure, or don’t know who to reach out to, you can always use the Contact Us form at the bottom of the homepage or post a message in the #club-general Discord channel. We’ll get back to you quickly!

How do I join Intro to Aerospace?

Intro is structured to be more class-like than the other projects. (Don’t worry, it’s not just another lecture class.) This means that, unlike the other projects, you can’t join partway through the semester. Intro sign-ups are sent out at the start of the semester, and operate on a first-come, first-serve basis.

I missed Intro Sign-ups. What now?

You can absolutely still join AeroNU! Intro is not a pre-req for joining any other project. We will make sure you get up to speed no matter which project you join!